The Challenge: Financial Burdens

Financial burdens

Millions of American families are one emergency away from a financial crisis, as evidenced by a 2020 Federal Reserve report indicating that one in four households have little to no financial cushion to fall back on.

When facing mental illness or addiction, receiving proper treatment is essential. Yet, when people seek care, they often stumble into a cycle where financial burdens and mental health challenges feed into each other and prevent full recovery.

One in four (25%) Americans reported having to choose between getting mental health treatment and paying for daily necessities.

Rogers responds

Charitable care

Rogers Behavioral Health is committed to bringing quality treatment to as many people in need as possible. Toward this goal, the hospital provides charitable care to patients who lack adequate insurance and financial resources.

  • Rogers Behavioral Health provides more than $6 million in charitable care each year
Angel fund

Clinical teams at all Rogers’ programs throughout the country may apply for the Foundation’s donor-supported Angel Fund when they perceive that an individual or family is struggling financially during treatment.

  • Last year, more than 200 requests for Angel Funds were met ($150 ave.) to help pay expenses ranging from travel, to rent and sober living, and even an eye exam and glasses for an adolescent patient with vision issues.
Patient Care Grants

In additional to Rogers’ charitable care, Rogers Foundation provides Patient Care Grants to families who have reached their limit for insurance coverage, as well as for those whose personal resources are depleted. These grants give patients the opportunity to continue treatment to the point of full recovery.

Last year, the Foundation provided $1.5 million in grant funding, totaling roughly 2,150 days of care.

Learn more about mental health and addiction challenges and the work of Rogers Behavioral Health Foundation on our YouTube channel.