Watch the video and see how one family is building a bridge for future families seeking care at Rogers Behavioral Health.
Watch more of Jake’s recovery journey Rising Above OCD.
The insurance denial that Jake’s family experienced can be devastating news. Financial hardship and unpredictable insurance coverage for mental health and addiction challenges continue to be a barrier to care for far too many families.
At Rogers Foundation, we’ve seen requests for Patient Care Grants grow by more than 20 times over the past 13 years. This year, we’ll receive 400+ grant requests which will equate to roughly 5,000 days of free treatment for individuals and families in need! Take, for example
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- the family who traveled across the country to Rogers only to have their insurance coverage abruptly end after the second week of an eight-week treatment plan. The Foundation granted three weeks of treatment while Rogers’ staff appealed the denial so the patient could successfully graduate from the program.
- the young lady who had a gap in insurance coverage for one day and had no way to pay and no place to go. The Foundation covered that day to ensure continuous care and alleviate the stress of being displaced.
- the woman who was depending on her final two weeks of treatment to reinforce important coping strategies before returning home, but whose insurance told her she had 24 hours to leave. The Foundation covered her final two weeks of treatment.
Just like cancer and other physical diseases, a full “dose” of treatment is critical to achieving long-term mental health and addiction recovery! But for many, getting to that point is an impossible dream.
Will you please help? As Jessica and Jake can attest, your donation to Patient Care Grants can mean all the difference in helping someone cross the bridge to the thing that can save their life – receiving care at Rogers Behavioral Health.
Yours in mental health and wellness,
Rogers Behavioral Health Foundation