Our Work: Angel Fund

Easing personal financial burdens

When it comes to mental health treatment, incidental treatment costs, such as transportation, childcare, or lost wages stretch many families beyond a breaking point – regardless of income bracket.

Rogers Foundation understands there are moments when reducing even the smallest obstacle in a patient’s life can significantly improve their chances for a successful treatment outcome. That is why Rogers Foundation offers current patients the opportunity to apply for an Angel Fund gift, with guidance from their clinical team, when they find themselves struggling financially during treatment.

The Angel Fund goes a long way in providing for the basic necessities of life and easing financial burdens that may accompany the road to recovery. The Angel Fund is proof that little things can make a BIG difference!

Basic living expenses can inhibit recovery

Imagine driving four hours round trip, five days a week, for two straight months to attend Rogers’ specialized outpatient program.

  • Would you be out of a job? What if you don’t have a car? If you do, how much is gas going to cost? Will there be unexpected repairs? Will you have enough left over for groceries?

According to a nationwide survey by The Commonwealth Fund, up to 60% of survey respondents in states across the nation reported that they delayed or went without health care services due to financial hardship and/or struggled to pay out of pocket expenses.

Or, imagine flying your child across the country to attend 30 days of residential treatment. 

  • Would your employer support your leave? Where would you stay? Would you need to eat out three meals a day? How do you pay for these extra costs?
Nobody should have to choose between getting mental health treatment and paying for daily necessities of life!

It doesn’t take long for the soaring costs of travel to leave a gaping hole in your  pocketbook. Angel Fund assistance include gas cards to help pay for daily commutes to treatment as well as airline, train, and bus tickets to help patients return home after treatment. It also helps families so they may come visit their loved one and take part in critical family therapy sessions.

Angel Fund donations assist many patients and their families in getting from home to help.


Bringing a loved one to residential or inpatient treatment can be both hopeful and heartbreaking. For some, this angst is compounded by the financial stress of how to pay for short-term stays related to this process. Other times, specialized outpatient treatment at Rogers is hundreds of miles from home, and the costs associated with lodging to be near treatment during the weekdays make access to care impossible.

The give of shelter can ease the journey. Donations to the Angel Fund make this possible for many patient families.

Daily Living

When your mind is focused on an overdue utility bill or how to pay for groceries, it makes it difficult to concentrate on treatment and sometimes impossible to remain in Rogers’ care for the recommended length of stay.

Seemingly smallacts of generosity can make all the difference in the world in maintaining life at home AND achieving long-term recovery.


Having a secure roof over your head is one of life’s core essentials and can be detrimental to recovery after treatment. However,  lost wages can prevent some patients from having a place to return to, and for or those in our mental health and addiction program, returning immediately home may not be the best option. That’s why the  Foundation honors requests for rent and other supportive living housing to alleviate worry about where to go once treatment concludes.

A donation to the Angel Fund is a bridge on the path to recovery.

Your support is needed now more than ever.

In 2021, the Foundation distributed $22,000 in Angel Fund requests. In 2022, that number grew to $425,000.
We expect the need for assistance will continue to increase. Please help!

Contact Rogers Foundation by email or call 262-646-1646 to make a donation.

“I’ve worked for some prestigious behavioral health providers over the years, yet none of them offered anything equivalent to the Angel Fund for their patients. The Foundation’s donor-supported Angel Fund is evidence of Rogers’ commitment to the well-being and recovery of its patients and their families.”
Jennifer Park, PhD
Executive Director of Clinical Services - Outpatient Services at Rogers Behavioral Health

Learn more about mental health and addiction challenges and the work of Rogers Behavioral Health Foundation on our YouTube channel.

Be a champion for mental health


Research. Awareness. Education. Activism. Encouragement. Hope. You have the power to save lives! By standing up in the fight against mental health and addiction challenges, you are telling the world that there is no place in this world for stigma. There is hope. By donating your time and resources, you are telling those in need that you support them. They are not alone. Together, we can make a difference!